Manage My Membership

Changing your details

To change your details, please click on the relevant form below (requires login)

Update Your Details - Associate, Other Company Member

Update Your Details - Body Corporate Membership

Update Your Details - Individual Membership

Update Your Details - Body Corporate Management Company

Opting out of emails

If you no longer wish to get news, events and other information from the BCCG, then update your membership details to remove the "I wish to receive emails from BCCG" option. If you are a current financial member, you will still receive a subscription renewal reminder by email at the end of this financial year. You can ask to have your membership terminated before then if you no longer wish to be a member which will stop all emails.

Membership renewal

You will be sent a renewal reminder with an invoice towards the end of the BCCG financial year (June). Payment of this invoice will renew your membership.
If you didn't receive the reminder or the renewal invoice, or you chose not to renew in June but want to now, please contact us at or and we can get you re-subscribed. 

View your invoices

(Requires login)
View your invoices with the BCCG.

Changing your password

You can change the password, along with any of your other details, on the "Update Your Details" forms, using the links above (as appropriate for your membership type).

Change of BC Chair

If your BCCG membership is a BC membership remember that it's the Body Corporate that is the member not the individual Chairperson. If the BC Chair has changed, the BC continues to be a member. The ex-Chair needs to update the contact details for the BC to reflect the new Chair's details using the Manage My Membership option on the website.  In particular, change the email address so that all future communication will go to the new Chair. The new Chair can then use the Forgot Password option to reset the password. If you are the new Chair and the ex-Chair won't do this for you, please contact us at and we'll change the email address for you.

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